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101itconsult | March 12, 2025

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Social Media

Reviews best methods to use social media networks.

The many faces of SEO

March 25, 2015 |

The concept of SEO has appeared in the 90s and stands for Search Engine Optimization.  This abbreviation also refers to the people that have this “job”.  In the early times of Internet, when there were only “a few” sites existing (a few millions compared to more than 20 billion, estimated now) search engines have come to existence, that indexed fairly accurate the web content and made up a starting point for browsing. They also represented an important source of traffic for websites. In those times, the specialists realized the necessity of a conscious control in the process of visibility growth in search engines, and due to this fact a new science was born: SEO – optimizing for search engines, which has the purpose of increasing the qualitative traffic of a site.

This relatively new “industry” implies a set of operations made by the promotion team, regarding the increase of the position number of a website in the search list, for some relevant words or key-expressions.

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An overview of Social Media

March 11, 2015 |

Nowadays, we keep hearing the words “Social Media”. What is Social Media and how does it help us?

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Why is newsletter important in business communication?

March 4, 2015 |

Although, for the unkeen eye, sending a newsletter to a mailing list doesn’t seem at first sight a difficult task, specialists have reached a different conclusion.

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Let’s talk about EdgeRank

February 18, 2015 |

Have you ever wondered how it’s decided what posts feature in your News Feed? How does Facebook know what we prefer and who we like?

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How to Promote Your Blog Using Facebook

February 11, 2015 |

Facebook became probably the most popular Social Media network and this makes it the ultimate tool to promote your blog, website or personal brand.

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EdgeRank – secretul din spatele News Feed-ului (Partea a II-a)

February 4, 2015 |

EdgeRank reprezinta algoritmul Facebook-ullui ce decide ce postari apar in News Feed-ul fiecarui utilizator.

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